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Optimus Maximus Solutions

A Limited Liability Company.


Create in 2012, Optimus Maximus Solutions (OMS) LLC, was formed by Alfonso S. Bowens Jr . The latin word for "Optimus" in english  means, "The Best". The latin word for "Maximus" means "The Greatest"  Alfonso saw there was a great need in the fashion, artistic, and the creative world, for the services he and other s provided.  To maximize the skillsets of many, OMS was born, allowing now such talents and resources to be offered to the world; and providing the solutions people are looking for. 


Bringing Creativity to the forefront, OMS is here to allow you to express your imaginative side in what you present, from a business standpoint, to what wear, or what you like artisticlly. 


"You have the touch...You have the power."

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